From North Africa to all of Africa
With an experience of more than 20 years, we are a perfectly experienced team that works hand in hand. We can therefore develop and build facilities adapted to your needs for you.
ADEM has sold and set up more than 40 food factories all over North Africa (Tunisia, Libya and Algeria), and the ADEM team has learned to move beyond the country’s borders.
We believe today that the time has come to go international with a preference to serve our dear continent, Africa.
Our design: Horizontal and modular plants
horizontale :
A livestock feed factories can be vertical or horizontal. We have built both types of factories during these 20 years of experience and today we are opting more for horizontal units which give us at least two important advantages, namely:
- Much lower cost for the building
- Better productivity when all equipment and machines are on the same floor on the one hand and ease of movement of workers and machines on the other.
Modular system :
The livestock feed factories designed by ADEM are standard modular types, which has many advantages:
- Short delivery time
- Excellent accessibility for maintenance
- Very short installation time on site
- Easy modular extension, allowing flexible modification